RDA Vape Tanks
Rebuildable dripping atomisers, more commonly known as an RDA, are ideal for vaping enthusiasts to really fine tune their vaping experience. They are best paired with a high powered box mod, or mechanical mod.
You will need to install your own cotton & coils in the RDA, it will then need to be topped up regularly with high VG E-Liquid. RDA's are well known for producing large amounts of flavour and vapour. They are the sub-ohm vapers atty of choice for good reason.
We carry a large selection of rebuildable by various manufacturers, to cater for all budgets, styles and tastes.
£54.99 /
28mm ØRebuildableReGenesis RDA By Deathwish ModzPurple PainScythe SwipeMurdered Out BlackAvailable in 3 colorsNo reviews2 Post Rebuildable Dripper, includes squonk pin and solid pin£17.99 /
24mm ØRebuildableTalo X RDA By GeekvapeSilverGoldBlueBlackAvailable in 4 colors1 reviewPost-less Rebuildable Dripper, includes squonk pin and solid pin£44.99 /
25mm ØRebuildableArcane 13 RDA By Thirteen TechnologyClearTyphoon TealAvailable in 2 colorsNo reviewsPost-less Rebuildable Dripper, includes squonk pin and solid pin